How Small Retailers Are Pushing Forward In 2023

While many businesses failed to survive the tumultuous last few years, those that have survived may feel as though they were just reacting and treading water to survive. Hardships have been numerous ranging from a worldwide pandemic, to staffing and supply shortages, to record inflation just to name a few.

Many small business retailers have felt stuck, waiting to see what happens next before making any significant plans for the future of their business.

However, according to numerous recent surveys, many small business owners are ready for growth this new year, determined to start a new chapter that looks forward instead of back.

The overlying theme for many small businesses this new year is they're tired of being in survival mode, reacting to what lies ahead. They're ready to take action with calculated methods for growth this new year!

The following are several resolutions from some small business owners that can help inspire and poise any physical or online business for growth and success this coming year:

Tidy up the company's online presence

The way consumers interact with and use the internet is constantly changing. There's no doubt that if a company hasn't reviewed and kept their online site, social profiles, and directory listings updated and current, then there's work to do.

From reviewing online presence and reputation management, to freshening up the company's website and profiles with current images, fresh content, consumer reviews, improved SEO, and more; there's most likely many areas a business can improve their online presence to achieve growth and success this coming year.

While many businesses have already started the journey to a mobile-friendly online presence, there's still many that are lagging behind with their search ranking falling as Google and other search engines promote responsive, mobile-friendly websites as the standard.

Create a proactive & aggressive marketing strategy

While the last few years have had many businesses feeling rather reactive, nothing helps one to gain control better than a well-planned marketing strategy.

Make this new year a success by planning everything from the monthly budgets for advertising, to the dates of holiday & seasonal sales, clearance events, weekly or monthly newsletters, unique ad campaigns, and promotions geared towards the ideal target audience and demographic.

Utilize as much marketing automation methods as possible to save time and energy, while ensuring target market reach and follow-up efforts.

Ensure the technology used is up-to-date

Whether speaking of the technology used for the company website, the methods used for reaching the target audience, or the software and hardware used in-office, make sure the company's tools are secure and up-to-date.

From email marketing services that make it easy to reach and keep in touch with prospects and customers, to the overall security of a company's systems for the overall safety of business and client data; it's imperative that the technology tools utilized are current.

Seize more opportunities with swag

Everyone is familiar with promotional swag. From coffee mugs, to pens or reusable bags, branded swag helps businesses long after the promotional item is put in the hands of the consumer.

Pens are known to exchange hands numerous times, often lasting months with numerous impressions as it passes from party to party. Branded packaging creates numerous impressions increasing brand awareness with branded bags, colorfully branded boxes, and more.

Wrapping it up

With creative, planned, and purposeful forward movement, this can be the long awaited year small businesses begin to grow again, inspired with dreams of success, accomplishment, and prosperity!

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