Dot The i's & Cross The t's - Website & Marketing Materials Must Be Accurate!

The most important reality business owners, marketing managers, and webmasters must realize is this:

No one will physically be present while the customer is wandering through the website or viewing campaign collateral!

There is no asking the common questions a sales associate might when in-person at the office or retail showroom face-to-face with the customer:

  • No physically greeting the customer with a smile and handshake as they walk through the door.
  • No asking face-to-face if they found everything they need.
  • No helping them find a solution, or walking them to the product location.
  • No reading a customer's body language to know if they are happy or upset.

The Website Campaign Is The Only Salesperson

The company's website and associated marketing collateral must:

  • provide the customer service,
  • in essence read itself aloud to the customer, (much like the way one can "hear" the author's voice when reading an article such as this)
  • be self-explanatory and apparent, providing necessary direction.

The text and images within the campaign are all that's available to get the message across to the customer, create trust, and convince them to buy; instead of choosing one of the many competitors available.

Presentation Checklist

Because a website or campaign's presentation is so important, there are many areas to review to make sure presentation and content are accurate, clear, and concise:

  • Content needs to be complete, and correct with all i's dotted and t's crossed.
  • All graphics must load quickly regardless of platform or connection.
  • Graphics should NOT distract, but instead enhance the experience while complimenting the design of the site or campaign.
  • All spelling, punctuation, and grammar must be correct.
  • Everything should be consistent; if a standard of capitalizing every first letter of product titles or headings is set, then all product titles and headings should follow that same format.

Little mistakes or inconsistencies are what set "professional" sites, campaigns, and marketing materials (those that will generate leads and sales) apart from the rest.

The End Goal

When a customer enters the office building, store showroom, online site, social media profile, or views any marketing collateral, one should want them to:

  • Easily be able to find the information, services, or products they are looking for.
  • Find professionally written, engaging content.
  • View a site or ad that's easy to understand how to proceed.
  • Be confident their interaction with the company will be professionally handled.
  • Be assured all sales materials portray an accurate reflection of their expected experience when conducting business.

It's always a good idea to step back and look at all platforms with which the company has an online or offline presence through the customer's eyes:

  • Ask if visitors can easily interact with the website
  • Are marketing materials easily understood
  • Try to determine unanswered questions consumers may have
  • Address questions and concerns by updating the content appropriately

When a company follows these simple guidelines to ensure the presentation is complete, accurate, and consistent; then customers will feel confident in doing business, and are more likely to purchase its products and services.

As well, a professional appearance and experience increases the likelihood for positive reviews and referral to others via word-of-mouth or social medias.

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